The Group was formed in 2010 following the merger of the leading bowling centres in the AMF portfolio with the Hollywood Bowl portfolio, which was a part of the Mitchells & Butlers group.

Following the reorganisation and merger of the Hollywood Bowl and AMF portfolios, the management team pursued a clearly defined strategy to develop the existing estate by: acquiring new centres in attractive locations; investing in technology; and focusing on customer service. Management has also driven innovation and development of the Group’s offering in response to customer feedback, pursued the rollout of new centres, and introduced a smaller, more boutique, ‘urban’ format.

The Group continued to build internal capabilities that readily supported both large and small scale acquisitions, including: a scalable IT platform; a consistent, well-defined customer proposition; a clear set of corporate values; strength and depth throughout senior management at the Hemel Hempstead head office; and an improving talent pipeline at a local level. These foundations placed the Group in the best position to expand further with the acquisition of the Bowlplex brand and group of companies in December 2015 with 11 Bowlplex centres being added to the Group’s estate.

The Group listed on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange in September 2016 and since then has expanded the UK portfolio to more than 70 centres.

In May 2022, the Group expanded into its first international market with the acquisition of Splitville, a leading Canadian ten-pin bowling operator.

In March 2024, the Group was admitted to the FTSE 250 on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange.


Group admitted to FTSE 250

Record levels of Group capital investment

Launch of new customer booking system


80th centre opened

Splitsville becomes the largest branded ten-pin bowling operator in Canada expanding to 11 centres


75th centre opened

Acquisition of Splitsville - a Canadian ten-pin bowling operator


Launch of Puttstars mini-golf brand


Group listed on Main Market


Acquisition of Bowlplex  (11 centres)


Group formed from the merger of selected leading sites of AMF and Hollywood Bowl