Our centres are important social venues for the local communities they serve
Raised for national charity partner Macmillan
Concessionary discount games played
Schools games played
Of soft drinks sold were sugar free

Supports strategic objectives
Driving revenue growth
Active asset refurbishment
Focusing on our people
International expansion
Creating value for
Our customers
Our people
Our partners
Our communities
Our investors
Helps mitigate principal risks
Food safety
Contributing towards the SDGs

Local investment
As we grow our business, our commitment to positively impacting the local communities in which we operate remains a priority.
Each new centre we open represents a significant investment in the region of £3 million into the local economy, enhancing footfall to the wider location and significantly benefiting surrounding leisure and retail businesses.
Additionally, we create approximately 30 jobs per centre, contributing to local employment, and importantly providing a gateway first job to many of our team members. In FY2024 we opened four new centres in the UK creating in excess of 100 new jobs.

Inclusivity and community relations
We are dedicated to providing inclusive and enjoyable activities that bring families and friends of all ages and abilities together in a welcoming environment.
Participation in ten-pin bowling promotes wellbeing and social interaction through its unique blend of healthy competition.
Our centres are designed to be accessible to everyone, featuring disabled access, moveable ramps for lane access, bowling assistance, and disabled toilet facilities.
We work hard to create strong community relations through initiatives like offering concessionary discounts and active local engagement, including charity fundraising events, junior sports team sponsorship and local school partnerships.
For the first time in FY2024, more than 1 million discounted concession games were bowled in a year. This highlights the importance that our safe and inclusive venues and activities plays in the lives of these groups of customers.
We were delighted to partner with Macmillan as our new national UK charity in FY2024 following a selection process driven by team member voting for their favourite charity causes.
This new partnership has already resulted in a record £85,000 being raised through our local centre teams and central Hemel support office team. We have extended the partnership into FY2025.

Health and safety
The health and safety of our teams and customers is paramount. We continuously measure and monitor performance across all of our locations to ensure that we provide safe and healthy environments in all aspects of our operations, which is a crucial foundation to our business performance and customer experience.
Our policies and practices are regularly reviewed with external agencies to ensure compliance with safety legislation. All incidents involving customers or team members are reported and addressed promptly. Internal audits, including safety reviews, are conducted and reviewed by the Board.

Responsible food and beverage
We are committed to providing transparent information to help customers make informed choices about our food and beverage choices, including providing allergen details.
In collaboration with our suppliers, we offer menu options with reduced salt and sugar content in our food and beverage ranges. We also promote a variety of sugar-free soft drinks which account for just under half of our soft drink sales (a ratio which has been consistent in the last three years), and ensure fresh water is readily available to our customers.
We continue to review and streamline our supply chain and ordering practices to further reduce the number of food and drink deliveries to our centres.
Health and safety are integral to our daily hospitality operations, with team members undergoing food safety and allergen awareness training.
Our centres consistently achieve high food hygiene ratings through regular audits by internal food safety auditors or external environmental health officers.